Solo & Ensemble Information

Solo Information:

Students may not participate in more than one solo event unless they are performing on a different instrument.  Students may perform both an instrumental and vocal solo.

Students may not perform in more than five (5) solos or ensemble events

Middle School students or students in 4 & 5th grade who have 1 year of playing experience - must choose the Clinic Track. All middle solo events will have a minimum length of 1½ minutes. If your piece is too short, plan to add a second piece to meet or exceed the required time.

High School students may choose from either the Clinic Track OR the Honors Track. High School students can participate in a maximum of 5 total events. Students choosing the Honors Track will be eligible for nomination to the YAC Honors Orchestra and/or the YAC Outstanding Solist Competition.

The Instrumental Honors Solo Track includes the prepared solo (minimum 2 minutes in length), required scales and sight-reading.  Piano Honors Track solos will also include a Bach invention/fugue.   2025 YAC Honors Track Guidelines

The Vocal Honors Solo Track includes the two prepared solos of contrasting styles (one must be in a foreign language) and sight-reading.  2025 YAC Honors Track Guidelines

class="has-background" style="background-color: #c3deea;">The Instrumental Clinic Track will include the prepared solo (minimum 2 minutes in length) and the remaining time, minus 2 minutes for written adjudication summary, for a clinic for the prepared solo.

The Vocal Clinic Track will include two prepared solos of contrasting styles and the remaining time, minus 2 minutes for written adjudication summary, for a clinic for the prepared solos.

Ensemble Information:

The Instrumental Ensemble Performance will include the prepared selection (minimum 2 minutes in length), and the remaining time, minus 2 minutes for written adjudication summary, will be a clinic of the prepared music. (Clinic Track)

The number of members of an instrumental small ensemble participating in the Solo and Ensemble Festival shall not exceed 8 members with 1 player to a part and all parts being played or no rating will be given.

The Vocal Ensemble Performance will include two prepared selections of contrasting styles and the remaining time, minus 2 minutes for written adjudication summary, will be a clinic of the prepared music. (Clinic Track)

Vocal Ensembles are not limited to a specific number of members on a part, however, overall balance and blend must be demonstrated.  All vocal ensembles must be sung in at least two parts.

2025 YAC SE Rules

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